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池田 将
BRIDGE シニアエディタ

Chi Ko
Startup Island TAIWAN
Chi Ko is an experienced journalist and project executive with a deep passion for innovation and entrepreneurship. With a background in covering global startup news, Chi Ko has a unique perspective on the rapidly evolving tech landscape. He has interviewed 100+ startup founders, venture capitalists, and corporate executives including 500 Global founder Christine Tsai, Twitch cofounder Kevin Lin, and Chip War author Chris Millier. In addition to his journalism career, Chi Ko has played a crucial role in executing government projects aimed at helping Taiwanese startups expand globally. He led 3 times Taiwanese startup delegations with over 30 teams to Silicon Valley, LA, Las Vegas, Tokyo, and Kyoto and managed 3 times Global pavilions in exhibition, attracting 150+ oversea startups to come

齊藤 友紀
Cohh株式会社 代表取締役 / フォーシーズ株式会社 Strategy Officer / 法律事務所LAB-01 代表弁護士
Preferred Networks、メルカリ等を経て、Cohh株式会社を設立。日本と世界をつなぐアイデアの実現に向けて奔走中。そのほか、東京大学未来ビジョン研究センター客員研究員、上場・非上場スタートアップ、政府や地方自治体のアドバイザー等。弁護士。
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